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Our Community

SheSharp is dedicated to providing an open community space for women and non-binary individuals who work in Tech to feel safe and welcome.

As people who are underrepresented in our industry, it is common to feel like we don't belong when we are in the workplace and work-related spaces. That can make it difficult to speak up or ask questions, but our voices are important.


SheSharp aims to foster this through our initiatives: in-person and online events, group programs, and our online Slack community forum. We love to highlight members of our community through #SharpieOfTheMonth, our blog, and at our events. By creating spaces where we feel connected and comfortable having a voice, we can help each other thrive in our work and lives. 

Our community has expanded to include 2000+ members in our Amsterdam-based events group (Meetup) and 1000+ globally distributed members in our online messaging platform (Slack). You can also connect with us through our social networks. 

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