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Previous Speakers

Gift Egwuenu smiles at the camera.

Developer Advocate @ Cloudflare

Anouk van Drie smiles at the camera.

Data Science Teacher

@ Le Wagon

Isis Lim smiles at the camera.

Data Science Teacher

@ Le Wagon

Naledi Matutoane smiles at the camera.


@ 28East

Emily Loh smiles at the camera.

Director of Data @ MoonPay

Soraya Hausl smiles at the camera.

Chief Data Scientist &

Co-Founder @ Carra

Tie Wang Jones smiles at the camera.

Global Head of Digital Inclusive Design, Equity, & Accessibility @ IKEA

Nozha Boujemaa smiles at the camera.

Global Vice President, Digital Ethics and Responsible AI @ IKEA

Imma Valls Bernaus looks into the camera.

Principal Support Engineer @ Elastic

Lisa Jung smiles at the camera.

Senior Developer Advocate @ Elastic

Phoebe Quincy smiles at the camera.

Community Relations @


Ully Carolinne Sampaio smiles at the camera.

Developer Relations

@ Elastic

Elyssa Emrick smiles at the camera.

Community Team Lead

@ Elastic

Priscilla Parodi smiles at the camera.

Principal Advocate @ Elastic

Pauline Vos smiles at the camera.

Lead Software Engineer @


April Edwards smiles at the camera.

Senior Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft

Rayta van Rijswijk smiles at the camera.

Senior Engineering Manager @ Github

Amy Boyd smiles at the camera.

Principal Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft

Stacy Cashmore smiles at the camera.

Tech Explorer DevOps @


A profile shot of Saskie Freeke.

Interaction and Visual Designer

Rain Leander smiles at the camera.

Developer Advocate @ Equinix

Stephanie Truter smiles at the camera.

Tech Talent Advisor @ OfferZen

Mary Gouseti smiles at the camera.

Software Engineer @

Aminka Belvitt smiling.

CEO @ Wofemtech Solutions

Mariko Naber smiles at the camera.

Founder @ Sell Your Stuff Online

Zuotian Tatum smiles.

Tech Lead @ Optiver

Gabrielle Davelaar smiling

Senior AI Specialist @ Microsoft

Lee Boonstra smiles at the camera.

Applied AI Engineer @ Google

Anna Nikulinea smiles at the camera.

Software Engineer @ DAZN

Lian Li speaking at an event.

Senior Cloud Native Engineer @ Container Solutions

Sanna Poyhonen paining a sculpture.

Head of Data @ LeasePlan Digital

Kristy Fenton smiles in sunlight.

Senior Director of Data Governance @ Adidas

Kathrin Wolf smiles.

Global Director Digital Analytics @ Adidas

Joanna Semeniuk smiling at the camera.

Manager Data Governance @ LeasePlan Corp

Rokeya Jones points at a Microsoft tablet.

Senior Director of Growth @ Microsoft

Amber Rahim smiling.

Founder, Amber Rahim Coaching

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